Facelift Benefits to Improve Your Appearance

facelift benefits

San Francisco Facelift is a popular cosmetic surgery that can reduce signs of aging in your neck and face. It can also improve the appearance of jowls and marionette lines. The procedure tightens the underlying facial muscles, removes excess fat in your neck, and redrapes the skin. It can be combined with other anti-aging treatments, such as a brow lift or eyelid surgery.

Improved Self-Esteem

One of the most common reasons patients schedules a facelift is to improve their self-image. As they age, they may notice fine lines and wrinkles on their face. Thankfully, facelifts can help you look younger and more youthful by removing excess skin and tightening underlying muscle tissue.

When it comes to self-esteem, the best plastic surgery is the one that improves your confidence and makes you feel good about yourself. This can boost your happiness and make you more likely to go after that big promotion or get that elusive date with that special someone.

In fact, a recent study suggests that cosmetic surgeries significantly affect your emotional well-being and overall quality of life. For example, studies show that facial cosmetic procedures like a facelift are the most likely to improve your mood and reduce the risk of depression. Other popular plastic surgery techniques have also been shown to positively impact your psyche, such as Botox or filler.

Increased Confidence

A facelift surgery is not only an effective way to rejuvenate the skin; it’s also a boost to your confidence. Having a younger, healthier appearance will give you the motivation you need to try new things, whether that’s meeting new people or tackling that next big job promotion.

Having a healthy, youthful glow can really help you feel more confident in life and in love. This is something that everyone should strive for.

In an age where society places an emphasis on physical appearance, it is important to look as your best as possible. A facelift can do this by tightening loose skin and removing sagging jowls, while also giving the rest of your facial structure a more youthful appearance.

However, an overly ambitious facelift can lead to an unaesthetic “pulled” or wind-tunnel look, so expert and experienced surgeons know how to achieve a natural-looking result without over-tightening. The results will still be youthful, but they won’t look as obvious.

Better Sleep

Sleep is a crucial part of any surgery, and facelift patients should strive to get enough rest during their recovery period. This will bolster the body’s healing process while boosting the immune system.

After a facelift, you should avoid sleeping on your side to protect the incisions from irritation and damage. It’s also recommended that you keep your head elevated at a 30-degree angle while you sleep to decrease swelling and promote faster recovery.

To help prevent your head from rolling to the side, add more pillows beneath your neck and head, as well as another pillow below your knees to create a nest-like structure that keeps you in place throughout the night.

Most facial plastic surgeons recommend that you sleep on your back during the initial recovery period after a facelift, as this will reduce swelling and minimize complications. You may be able to begin sleeping on your side again after 2 – 3 weeks, but it’s generally safer to stay on your back until you feel comfortable.

Reduced Stress

A facelift is a great way to improve your appearance in a dramatic yet natural-looking way. It gives your skin a new set point from which to age, giving you a more youthful look that can help you achieve a better career or relationship.

The procedure can also have a significant impact on your stress levels, and that’s no small matter. While you’re recovering from a facelift, it’s important to take steps to minimize your stress as much as possible.

For example, try to avoid caffeine, which can interfere with sleep. Drinking herbal tea instead, or swapping your caffeinated drinks with one without caffeine, can also provide a soothing effect and allow you to get the rest you need to heal.

Getting more exercise during your recovery can also be a major stress reliever. While you can’t go back to running or lifting weights for four weeks after your facelift, getting up and moving around will make you feel more awake and alert while helping your blood circulation to improve.